When working on a type of entity, it’s common to post the new or updated entity to the server and then need to update it in the local vuex data store.
This is a simple pattern that propagates the changes to the UI displaying the list of entities.
1. Save the entity, from the UI.
.dispatch('catalogs/create', {
catalog: this.user
2. POST the entity to the server in a vuex action, and pass the response to a mutation.
Note we also return the response data, in case the UI needs it for a flash message.
async create (context, { user }) {
const responseUser = await this.$axios.$post('users', user)
context.commit('userFetched', responseUser.data)
return responseUser
3. Replace the object in array if it already exists. If it doesn’t exist, push it to the bottom of the array. Clone the array to trigger a UI update.
userFetched (state, user) {
const existsAtIndex = state.users.data.findIndex(u => u.id === user.id)
if (existsAtIndex !== -1) {
state.users.data[existsAtIndex] = user
} else {
state.users.data = [...state.users.data]
4. The UI which lists these users (UserRow
below) will update itself with the new entry.
computed: mapState({ users: state => state.users.users }),
<UserRow v-for="user in users.data" :key="user.id" :user="user" />